Original power connectors - these are 4mm bullet connectors with some water-resistant tubing over the
The controller box with the original connectors cut off
Connector wires with the insulation stripped
Both connectors crimped and soldered
Power pole jacket installed over the wires. Important to run the wires through this before snapping on the
plastic housings! I almost forgot to do this
I manually crimped the Anderson connector tabs without the use of a special crimping tool. I just used a pair of pliers and followed these great instructions
Small front part of the crimp connector crimped
One side of the connector crimped
Other side of the connector crimped:
Soldering the crimped connector. I heated up the middle of the crimpand held solder at the end near the
insulation until it flowed into the connection
The Pinecil soldering iron did a great job here! Great little device. These were the biggest solder joints
I'd attempted so far with this iron and it handled them with ease. Just had to bump up the temp a bit higher
than I'd normally use for this solder
The soldered crimp
Both power pole connectors with contacts snapped into their housings
Power pole connectors snapped together